Purchase David Acuff's brand new sci-fi epic "Battle Tides" from Amazon $19.99

“Semi-Centurion: What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger”

05.01.22 For Immediate Release –

Bravo Bay Books has just launched a new surprise comedy semi-memoir on Amazon from S. David Acuff. “As I considered my 50th birthday coming up I wanted to mark it with a milestone that would make God laugh so hard the Holy Spirit comes out his nose,” Acuff said. “My last few books have been heavy dramas and, blah, I just felt like everyone needed a break from pandemics and Twitter buyouts and Ukrainian wars and Kardashians to just have a laugh.”

Friends and family across social media have already shown great interest in this very personal and hilarious work. “Probably because a lot of them are mentioned in it!” Acuff laughed. He’s been curating an audience for years and years who have always shown great enthusiasm and appreciation for his humor. Now there’s an entire product they can get behind. “It’s exciting,” Acuff agreed. “Important endorphins are released when you LOL. That’s why my book should be in every bathroom beside the Reader’s Digest. It’s gluten free and practically guaranteed to relax the colon and bowels.”

It must be reiterated here that Acuff is not a doctor and cannot support such claims but early reports confirm the book triggers “hella big laughs” as one reader who is definitely not Acuff’s sister would claim.

Here is the book’s trailer that was also released today…

Kindle: $9.99
Paperback: $14.99