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Have you seen the book cover possibilities yet?

05.25.20 – Getting closer with this book. I’ve gone through round one revisions with Editor Tisha Martin and re-submitted to her today for round two final nitty gritty pass. And I’ve sent it out to some Beta Readers to test.

Meanwhile I’ve been tweaking the logline and the book cover and have asked on IG, FB, Twitter and LinkedIN for feedback on the three covers and fonts pictured above. We’ll see what the general consensus is. It’s interesting to me these ended up being Red, White and Blue.


Also was toying with “High School Masquerade” versus “Private School Masquerade”. The second sounds fancier. Our film was just called “Masquerade” but I thought about my brother Erik Klaus who changed his comic book title early on from “Farewell to Fashion” to “Ninjas and Robots” to really nail the high concept fare. It works! “Hey what’s your comic about? Well… Ninjas mostly. Oh yeah, and frikkin ROBOTS!”

Masquerade is a little less high concept-y of a word but that murkiness added to the collision of words which is High School and Masquerade is a fine tease for this Young Adult drama. Hopefully grabs them!

Plus, by putting out this informal “poll” for feedback on the covers, it’s phase one of ye ole “Buy My Book” campaign wherein the general populace finds out a new book is coming down the pipeline. Phew! It’s tough to self-pub. It really does need a team on this. I am the worst at the Marketing and P&A stuff and PR. Gross.

But after I launch this book into the universe, then I’ll finally feel like I can approach Lit Agents with these two published works and the list of everything coming down the pipeline and badda boom badda bing, Bob’s your uncle. And Knopf-DoubleDay is your publisher.


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