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What a ride!

In January-ish of 2009 I launched a little blog-a-zine I named “Wired4Film.” With an Article/Tongue-in-cheek-Prayer from Josh Bell which began “Dear Lord, why must Your most ardent followers unleash such bad movies in Your name?” and a companion piece I wrote called “Christian Film Wake-Up Call” relating Christian films to Porn, I burst onto the Faith-based Film scene.

Yes, like a Caped Pirate Crusader (what?), I swashbuckled my words about, skewering the twin bastions of Cinematic evil: Mediocrity and Kirk Cameron.

I’ve learned a lot in the last six years. In no particular order:

  • Anyone who finishes making a movie should be applauded. It’s a monstrous feat. And the truly great films? Well those are just pure Festivus Miracles. Unicorns, really.
  • Talking about movies is not making movies. Watching movies is not making movies. Everyone knows how to fix the problem right up until the moment you stick a camera in their hands
  • Just like Christian music has taken YEARS of trial and error and successes and big hair to get good (Thank you, Skillet!) it will take Christian Movies time to evolve as well
  • Always back up your site before installing new Plugins or Upgrades in case said Plugins and Upgrades cause the whole thing to, I dunno, suddenly go offline
  • The world is hurting and in need of hard-hitting truthful stories instead of just cobbling together a bunch of Jesus-y scenes, 90 minute Sermons, or prosperity gospel platitudes. As the late great Frank Capra wrote, “If you want to send a message, use Western Union.
  • “The Blind Side” and “The Help” were the best two Christian films of the last 7 years and they weren’t even Christian Films
  • If your email suddenly stops working one day, you may need to go pay your Web Hosting bill
  • God has designs for Hollywood itself. He wants to bring a Renaissance to this film industry, not build a lesser, poorly funded Steeple-version of Gollywood somewhere snuggled in the Bible Belt
  • So much of what we’ve called bad Christian Movies should actually just be called Indie Filmmaking. Leave Jesus out of it. It’s just hard to make something with nothing.
  • And lastly, you don’t lead from the back. If you want to change Film and TV you have to earn your way to the front of the pack, where your vision and voice will hold sway

And I’m the first one to put my money where my mouth is. I quit my Corporate Video job. I’ve sworn off Wedding Videos. I’ve moved to Los Angeles, I’m writing scripts, I’m networking, I’ve picked up editing work at Disney|ABC, I am learning, growing and evolving as a filmmaker. And as I write this, a film I co-wrote called “Restoration” is getting ready to go into production in North Carolina.

What becomes of Wired4Film? Well, we’ve been bought by another large Faith-based Film company who wishes to remain nameless at this time! So you’ll just have to wait to hear more on that front. But, Wired4Film will be assimilated into their new Film Blog like Jean Luc Picard and the Borg, but in a good way.

I have met a lot of great people through Wired4Film, talked to a lot of good filmmakers, been some cool places. So, I have no regrets. Well, except for maybe not starting a Wired4Film YouTube Vlog. Okay, that and paying money to see “One Night With The King.”

So, two regrets.

Anyway, my job is not to police the people doing schlock work, mediocre junk with God’s name tacked onto it. Not my job. Never has been. It’s not your job either. Our job is to find the people doing great work and to come alongside and help them make good Art. Because in the end, good Art is much more redemptive and brings God much more glory than a thousand film sermons. By that I mean, the “Blind Side” that millions of people see is more powerful than, say, a “God is Not Dead” sequel that a few mega churches will buy up tickets for but plays to mostly empty seats.

Ouch. Wow. In with a bang, out with a bang, I guess.

If you want to follow my crazy Hollywood journey, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel or connect with my new digs at DavidAcuff.com. I could use your prayers daily, because it’s a long, difficult road. And that’s if you’re doing it right!

As I said on Twitter:

See you on set! Let’s Make a Movie!


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